A bold statement is made in the title of this blog entry. Here's why I think it's true.

Let's first consider the antithesis to the title of this blog, that is, the following common idea: "Even if God exists, we can't really know anything about God. So therefore faith is a matter of personal opinion on which there is no objective basis."

Woman searchingNow, it's impossible to prove that "we can't really know anything about God". But what reasons would someone have for believing that? The reason might be something like this: "If God exists, He would be infinite in every sense, and therefore entirely beyond our ability to comprehend as mere finite beings." That God is "infinite" makes sense, since God is the greatest which can be thought, and therefore nothing can be greater in any way. But notice that this underlying idea is making an assumption regarding what God is like … ie, "infinite". So the original (expanded) argument that "we can't know what God is like because He is infinite" is self-refuting because the argument is based on an assumption about what God is like!

But let's take this a step further. Let's say for the sake of argument that God exists. If He is infinite (as the argument above seems to be postulating) it would be logical to argue that God would be, at very least, intelligent and powerful. (If God were not intelligent and/or powerful, then each of us finite beings would in a sense be greater than God, meaning whatever conception we might be discussing, it would not really be like God at all.) God is not intelligent and powerful in the sense that WE are intelligent or powerful. He is so in a similar sense, but at the same time so much more. And if God is intelligent and powerful, he must be able to communicate to us about Himself. If he could not he would either not be intelligent or powerful (or both). So what we can conclude from all of this is that IF God exists, He would be able to tell us about Himself. Of course an infinite God cannot not tell finite beings everything about Himself, but He certainly can reveal as much as our finite brains can handle.

The questions that remain are, firstly, does God exist? I think there are good reasons for this. For some in-depth, philosophical & scholarly articles see William Lane Craig, for more generally-accessable argument, the Kalam argument is a good place to start. The other question is how we can know about God. Some may point to "natural revelation". We may learn something about God from nature, but ultimately we will find contradicting messages: "If we look at a beautiful sunrise, we decide god is 'good'; if we look at a hurricane, we decide god is 'cruel'" (Matthew Slick) So exploring our natural variable surroundings and philosophizing about life will only take us so far; not far enough to reveal real truth or be useful.

Thus, the only real way to know about God is for Him to tell us about Himself; for God to enter into history and make Himself known. This is exactly what Christians believe happened, at exactly the right time and place. The Christian story is, I think, if you compare the gospel with all other faiths, very different in both plot, person (of Jesus) and significance. But hey, don't take my word for it, try investigating yourself like I did. :)