BibleOften I see criticisms of the Bible that take the form: "The Bible records X … X is immoral … therefore, the Bible is evil!" The vast majority of these sort of complaints can be dismissed immediately, because they ignore the fact that the Bible does not approve of all it records. Geisler explains it this way:

It is a mistake to assume that everything contained in the Bible is commended by the Bible. The whole Bible is true (see John 17:17), but it records some lies, for example, Satan's (see Gen. 3:4; John 8:44) and Rahab's (see Josh. 2:4). Inspiration encompasses the Bible fully in the sense that it records accurately and truthfully even the lies and errors of sinful beings. The truth of Scripture is found in what the Bible reveals, not in everything it records. Unless this distinction is held, it may be incorrectly concluded that the Bible teaches immorality because it narrates David's sin (see 2 Sam. 11:4), that it promotes polygamy because it records Solomon's (see 1 Kings 11:3), or that it affirms atheism because it quotes the fool as saying "there is no God" (Ps. 14:1, NASB). (Norman Geisler, When Critics Ask)

Easy example: The Bible records Jesus' crucifixion but it does not approve of it, even though God used this obscene and immoral act for His ultimate good.