I do believe that in the other world there are neither Hindus, nor Christians nor Mussalmans. They all are judged not according to their labels, or professions, but according to their actions, irrespective of their professions. (Mahatma Gandhi, source)

Mahatma GandhiDo Christians believe they have a monopoly on religious truth? They shouldn't. Truth should be accepted wherever it is found; be it in the Bible, the Qur'an, or in secular writings. That's why on the About this Site page of WhyFaith.com I state that "I will search for and accept truth wherever it is found". I think that Mahatma Gandhi was in many ways a wise man, and we could learn much from him.

However, note carefully that I'm not in any way implying that all religions are equally true. Since they teach very different things, the claim that "there are neither Hindus, nor Christians nor Mussalmans" is insulting to Hindus, Christians, and Mussalmans. This view seems tolerant, but actually is quite intolerant to these groups. What if the same rule was applied to political groups? What if we were to say "there are neither Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, or Communists"? The absolute view of religious inclusively necessarily excludes the exclusitivists (that is, the vast majority of people around the world). It may be easier to wave a dismissive hand at religions and say they are all basically the same, but that is, IMHO, lazy and inaccurate.

Note too that Gandhi has, perhaps due to his desire for religious harmony, apparently misunderstood or has mistakenly stated Christian belief. Unlike other faiths, Christians do not believe "They all are judged … according to their actions", at least not how Gandhi seems to mean it. The Christian concept of grace says that we cannot save ourselves, but rather God has taken the initiative to save us, if only we will accept His offer: "God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners" (Romans 5:8) The Four Spiritual Laws do a good job of explaining God's grace in a very succinct fashion. Gandhi's quote makes it seem like we are saved by our own actions in a sort of spiritual bank account, which is not the Christian belief.

I don't know if this one particular quote reflects Gandhi's beliefs accurately, but this attitude is prevalent in western society nonetheless. And I do know that if you, like millions (billions?) of people around the world are relying on being "good enough", hoping (but never quite sure, honestly) if you're meeting your own standard of goodness (let alone God's!) that perhaps there's another way … (see the resources below for more on this topic)

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