
What is Christmas about? Linus (Lucy's blanket-wielding little brother from Charles Schultz's Peanuts series) tells us:

Linus is quoting from Luke 2:8-14 in the Bible, King James translation. Hat tip to Between Two Worlds for the video link. Like many of the commenters there, I wonder how long it will be before this scene is "edited" out of A Charlie Brown Christmas to make it more politically correct, especially considering that the scene was almost cut out of the original.

Watch the hilarious new TV commercial for the popular online MMORPG World of Warcraft below:

After watching the video, I checked out Mr T's Wikipedia page and noticed something that I'd heard before but never investigated: That Mr T (real name Laurence Tureaud) is a dedicated Christian. At the bottom of the Wikipedia entry there's a link to an interview Mr T did with entitled Words of Wisdom from Mr T. I'm not sure if the article title is intended to be sarcastic, but he actually comes across as quite wise in the article and deeply dedicated in his faith. He talks about why he no longer wears the gold chains (though he's wearing 'em in the commercial, I guess people might not recognize him without them??), his battle with cancer, and how he attempts to live our his faith in his life. It's a good read, so check it out.

SpaceThe other day I came across a well written essay by Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III entitled "Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence?" (aka Scientists and Their Gods) and so I thought I'd share the link with you. He is described by the US News & World Report as being "Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and the director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia." He is a multiple Nobel Prize nominee and is a highly cited chemist. As a Christian and a scientist, he has some insightful comments on the relationship between science and religion and observations regarding Christian scientists (or scientists who also are Christians).

EarthI'm still slowly working my way through Dawkins' The God Delusion. I'm about halfway done with chapter four, "Why God Almost Certainly Doesn't Exist". Chapter three, in which Dawkins attempts to refute the positive case for God's existence, was unconvincing, for the reasons that have already been noted as well as others. I'm making copious notes as I read so that I'll be able to make a series of posts when I finish reading it, but because of this it's taking a long time to read.

One of the threads on the FORU.MS discussion board was deleted recently, and one of my old posts went along with it. (Not sure why the thread was removed.) A mod was kind enough to forward my post in the thread to me before it was removed, so here's my reply below to someone who posted some comments on science and faith, which I have edited & expanded a bit for this blog: (original poster's comments in italics; assume all spelling errors in his/her writing were in their original post)

Christians don't trust in Science because it clean's their clock. I mean Noah's ark? Camon.


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