
I was responding to a comment on Power to Change's website just now and had this thought … not sure if this argument is valid, sound, cogent, etc, but I think it's at least interesting. I'm quite certain I must've read it or heard something like it before but I'm not sure where.

An attempt to argue that naturalistic systems of morality are innately inferior to theistic systems:

Any naturalistic morality system is ultimately unjust, and therefore immoral. Here's why: Human beings rightly crave justice, and any system of morality that is unjust would be by definition immoral. But if there is no afterlife (and therefore no final accountability for a person's actions), then life itself is ultimately unfair since good deeds will often go unrewarded and bad behavior will often go unpunished. Therefore, only a moral system that includes an afterlife (and by implication, God) where justice regarding a person's actions can be appropriately meted out can be just. Any moral system that does not is immoral and therefore deficient.

I started thinkin' bout
The rest of my life
What kind of fool
Doesn't think about it?
You'd have to be a fool
Not to think about it

Sloan – The Rest of My Life

Agreed! Today would be a great day to finally start thinking about the rest of your life.

I was just listening to an interview with Dr Alister McGrath (who has earned two doctorates from Oxford, in theology and molecular biophysics) on Apologetics 315. This quote is paraphrased from Dr McGrath but I think it accurately conveys my view of the Christian faith:

"Christianity is captivating because it presents the most wonderful and accurate description, and explanation, of reality."

A few months ago I posted an article on TruthMedia's Power to Change website which discusses the relationship between science & religion. The topic occasionally comes up in the comments on the site, so I thought it would be useful to have an article which addresses it. From the intro:

Many scientists today have religious convictions, such as Alister McGrath (who earned two doctorate degrees from Oxford, one in theology, the other in molecular biophysics). Examples like this of course prove nothing about the validity of Christianity or religion in general, but they at least demonstrate that it is possible to be a knowledgeable person of science as well as a religious believer. So how exactly do science and religion co-exist with each other in the world? There are basically three options …

>> Read Science & Religion: Competitors or Companions? on PowertoChange.com

Some previous posts about religion & science:
On 'Scientism' and Faith – Why the belief that science is the only way to true knowledge is ridiculous
Scientists with Faith – Discusses an article about Francis Collins which appeared in the Times

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