
Sinfest - Angels
Sinfest, Dec 12 2001

Well, since I wrote about demons last week, I guess I'll talk briefly about angels today. The popular images of angels with wings and halos began sometime in the 4th century, whereas angels are (biblically speaking) essentially spiritual in nature, not physical. They have no particular physical characteristics, although they may take on human form to better communicate with us. Angels are also not 'good people who died', like Clarence in It's a Wonderful Life; instead, they are a seperate class of created, spiritual beings. Recently there seems to be a resurgence in interest in angels in the media and popular consciousness, although usually they are depicted in a caricatured way, like in the cartoon above. Like demons, I think (this part is my opinion) it's good to recognize angels exist, but foolish to dwell upon their existence or put too much emphasis on them.

Faith Isn't Quite Brain Surgery
Guy: How can you believe in God? You've never seen him.
Girl: Well, I believe you have a brain, though I've never seen it!
–F train via Overheard in New York, Feb 28, 2006

Oh snap! Sorry, thought it was funny so I had to post it. Seriously though, that's one of the worst arguments I've heard for not believing in God.

SinFest: The G-Man and me, we tight, Aug 27 2003

SinFest is a great, occationally blasphemous, but usually funny comic. I appreciate that the author isn't afraid to discuss matters of faith. Popular characters include God, the devil, angels, some kinda kid-devil who's the devil's biggest fan, and evangelists. Of course there's a lot of sex talk too 😉 😮

In this comic, we see that Slick claims to be "down with the Lord" but his life (as seen in other strips) doesn't reflect that. In what sense can someone be called a Christian who doesn't follow Jesus' teachings? It's sorta like someone who calls themself a police officer and wears the uniform, but who hardly ever shows up for work, and when he does, he beats prisoners.

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